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Floating Wind & Hydrogen

This course provides participants with a clear understanding of the key issues around Wind and Hydrogen and further investigates possible scenarios and its pivotal role in decarbonisation and reaching net zero. Participants will be equipped with the necessary insight and skills to face future challenges in the wind, offshore wind and hydrogen industries and to put in place effective strategies for quantum growth in the interconnected industries as they move from a regional to global decarbonisation solution.

Join this course as we discover the dramatic growth of wind, especially offshore wind, and the pivotal role to be played across the globe by wind in all its forms and hydrogen. It consequently explores in-depth fundamental aspects of seabed characteristics, availability of supply chain, infrastructure, hybrid project design effects and integration of electrolysers on or offshore.

Course Content – this can be adapted as required:

      • In-depth exploration of fundamental aspects of seabed characteristics, availability of supply chain and infrastructure

      • Case studies, including Projects PosHYdon and DolPHyn

      • Business opportunities

      • Supply chain engagement and regeneration options around the coast and beyond

      • Innovations helping bring down the LCOE and look at future leasing rounds for the alternatives available

      • Business strategies for effective positioning in a decarbonized industry

    Who should attend?:

        • Companies and organisations seeking to enter the wind and hydrogen energy arena with its myriad opportunities in a market valued, in one scenario, by the Bank of America at 11 trillion dollars.

        • Existing energy companies particularly those who are already part of the oil and gas supply chain and those looking to future-proof their capabilities

        • Particularly relevant to engineering companies, those involved in storage compression equipment and shipping

      Course delivery and duration:

      This course is usually run over two 3-hour sessions either online or in-person and can be adapted to meet specific organisational needs.

      More information:

      Please contact us or book a free call with Charley for a no-obligation chat about this or any of our training opportunities

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